yang zhang's tech notes


Python package for Easier-to-use statistical tests

A relatively complete demo of reshaping numpy.arrays using newaxis, reshape, or expand_dims

Chain rule examples - scalar and vector cases

Graph functions in basic Python

How to find item-based similar users


Inplace update (e.g., +=) v.s. reassign (e.g., x = x + 1)

Example of static v.s. dynamic scope

When and how to use collections.defaultdict

What is the value of __name__ in Python

Time cost of key operations in Python

Hashing objects in Python

How does Python sort tuples

Instance method, class method, and static method in Python

Exception chain in Python

Relative import in Python

Create decorator using functools.wraps

Method Resolution Order (MRO) in Python

Mixins in Python

property in Python


How to setup your own deep Learning box

How to setup the computer for data science

How to setup docker for data science

Why and how to automatically save Jupyter notebook to .py files

How to debug source code of installed Python packages (e.g. scikit-learn)

How to package and distribut Pyhton projects - with a template project

Cheatsheet: howtos

A curated list of docker images for data science with instructions